show dogs

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show dogs

Thereby hangs a tail

a Chet and Bernie mystery
Chet and his human companion Bernie are called in to investigate a series of threats made against a pampered show dog named Princess, and when Princess and her owner are abducted and Bernie's girlfriend, reporter Susie Sanchez, disappears, the detective team realizes the show dog world is more dangerous than they ever imagined.
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Accused of ruining a champion dog's career after an unfortunate incident at a mall show, Luthor is sent to the pound, prompting a skeptical Griffin to hatch a daring plan involving a sinister saboteur, a reclusive trainer, and large supply of red dye.

The absolute beginner's guide to showing your dog

An introductory guide to dog showing that explains what it takes to be part of the sport and how to get started, and gives advice on related skills such as grooming and gaiting; paperwork and paraphernalia; and the components of the show itself. Also discusses breeding and provides several dog-showing resources.

Television and movie star dogs

An overview of dogs who work on television shows and in movies. Describes some dog stars and how they are trained. Includes many color photos and a glossary.


After acting out at a mall dog show, Luthor is accused of ruining the career of a three-time best-in-show beagle, and Griffin springs him from the pound with a plan involving the dog, New York City, and a sinister saboteur.

Thereby hangs a tail

a Chet and Bernie mystery
Chet and his human companion Bernie are called in to investigate a series of threats made against a pampered show dog named Princess, and when Princess and her owner are abducted and Bernie's girlfriend, reporter Susie Sanchez, disappears, the detective team realizes the show dog world is more dangerous than they ever imagined.


blue-ribbon beagle
Uno, a beagle, wins a blue ribbon when he is only eight months old, and lives the life of a champion show dog, and travels with Aaron, his handler.
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