Tougas, Chris

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Poem in my pocket

"In this fanciful tale depicting the ups and downs of a writer's journey, a child is horrified to discover that all the words from a most carefully written poem have escaped through a ripped pocket. The young writer tries to capture all the escaped words, but they whirl and swirl in the wind--mingling in mid-air to make fun puns and rhymes and comically mixing up with the signs and activities of a busy city street. Finally managing to gather all the words, the child tries to put the pieces of the poem back together, only for the wind to blow the words away once again. Tired and spent, and caught in a rainstorm, the despairing writer thinks all is lost . . . only to discover that the whole arduous process has ended up with the poem growing into something even better than first imagined. The clouds part, and the sun shines down on a new creation: a Poet-Tree"--Provided by publisher.

Dojo surprise

Six little ninjas break into Dojo Daycare with a few tricks up their sleeves.

Dojo Daytrip

The Master of Dojo Daycare has his hands full when he takes six little ninjas on a field trip.

Dojo Daycare

The Master of Dojo Daycare has his hands full with six little ninjas who are ready to raise a ruckus.


After a tornado leaves him with heaps of scrap metal and no animals on the farm, the determined farmer puts in motion a plan to create his own animals using the materials he has available and, despite his skeptical neighbors, completes his plan with great success.

Art's supplies

Things get totally out of control when Art's art supplies decide to throw a party.
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