how a hatred of slavery shaped Darwin's views on human evolution
Desmond, Adrian J.
A comprehensive biography of Charles Darwin, providing manuscripts, unpublished family correspondence, and diaries that describe how his anti-slavery stand influenced his obsession with human origins.
the great debate at the high table of evolutionary theory
Eldredge, Niles
Paleontologist Eldregde proposes that evolution proceeds sporadically, with long periods of equilibria, and is driven far more by environmental forces than by genetic competition. Outlines the debate between the two factions concerning evolutionary theory.
Presents a twenty-first-century view of evolution, exploring the implications of Darwin's theory and demonstrating the power and relevance of evolution in the modern world.
Presents an introduction to the major insights and arguments of Charles Darwin, and discusses the significance of his work for the development of modern science and culture.
Explores how complex, advanced creatures arose from simple, primitive ones and examines prevalent theories from evolutionary developmental biology related to the advancement of the animal kingdom.
A collection of essays in which evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins reflects on a variety of topics, including evolution, ethics, travel, literature, education, and religion.
Offers a comprehensive overview of evolution through four billion years of life on Earth, tracing human life back to forty common ancestors in order to demonstrate the link between humans and all other forms of life.