
Topical Term

Darwin and the enchanted isles

Describes the events leading to Darwin's voyage on the Beagle and the subsequent theories on evolution he posed based mainly on observations made on the Galapagos Islands.

How dinosaurs came to be

Introduces the reptiles and amphibians that inhabited the Earth before the arrival of dinosaurs, discussing the events in the planet's history that precipitated the age of dinosaurs.

The Scopes trial

the battle over teaching evolution
Photographs, diagrams, timelines, and first-hand accounts describe the debate over evolution during the famous Scopes Monkey trial of 1925.

Monkey town

a story of the Scopes trial
When her father hatches a plan to bring publicity to their small Tennessee town by arresting a local high school teacher for teaching about evolution, the resulting 1925 Scopes trial prompts fifteen-year-old Frances to rethink many of her beliefs about religion and truth, as well as her relationship with her father.


fourteen billion years of cosmic evolution
Explores how the study of cosmic science has led to new insights into the formation and evolution of the universe and all its structures.

Macmillan encyclopedia of science

fossils and human ancestors, the basics of life
An encyclopedia of science and technology covering the origins and development of living things, including humans, and discusses the structures and processes in living things that make life possible.

The Kingfisher book of evolution

Examines the evolution of life on Earth, from the first primitive organisms to modern humans, and attempts to look into the future.

The Scopes trial

defending the right to teach
Describes through photographs and text the most important dramas ever played out in the United States. The trial dealt with the freedoms of speech and worship, as well as the rights to teach and learn. Discusses evolution and creationism.

The human story

our evolution from prehistoric ancestors to today
Explores the origins of humans, including how such developments as Linnaeus' classification system and recent understanding of the human genome have improved scientists' comprehension of evolution.

The stick and stone age

Color cartoon illustrations and text describe animal species living sixty million years ago and chronicle the evolution of humans.


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