Animal pride series

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Odi Otter

Because Odi learns to cheat, steal, and tell lies at an early age, he loses all his friends before finally he has a long serious talk with his father.

Marty Mule

Marty, a very stubborn mule, is finally won over when Farmer John discovers that he has a sweet tooth.

Jack Moose

When Jack Moose finds himself caught between two fallen trees and asks Buddy Badger for assistance, he nearly dies because the badger bully refuses to help.

Eli the elk

Eli thinks he's so good at everything and he loves to put other elk down, but when he finds himself in a life and death situation, he needs their help.

Cody Coyote

Cody, a young coyote who loves to play tricks on everyone, almost loses his life when he needs to plead for help and no one believes him.

Chip Chipmunk

Because Chip Chipmunk is a tattletale, his mother, brothers, and sisters decide to teach him a lesson which will help him change his behavior.

Bingo the black panther

Bingo the panther learns a hunting technique from his mother, in which he drops out of a tree onto his prey.

Billy Goat

Billy, a young goat who likes to brag and does not play fair, discovers that he is more respected and liked when he plays by the rules.

Bill Buffalo

Teased by the other buffaloes because his hair is black instead of brown, Bill Buffalo finally learns to accept himself for what he really is.

Annie Antelope

At bedtime, Annie Antelope wanders away from home and almost becomes a meal for a timber wolf.


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