Ainsworth, Larry

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Rigorous curriculum design

how to create curricular units of study that align standards, instruction, and assessment
Offers a hands-on model for creating a curriculum that integrates national standards, instruction, and assessment while still meeting the needs of the students and teachers.

Rigorous curriculum design

how to create curricular units of study that align standards, instruction, and assessment
Offers a hands-on model for creating a curriculum that integrates national standards, instruction, and assessment while still meeting the needs of the students and teachers.

"Unwrapping" the standards

a simple process to make standards manageable
Offers K-12 educators a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying school standards in the classroom, with more than eighty real-world examples of standards applications in a variety of content areas and grade levels.

Navigating assessment and collaboration with the common core state standards

Provides guidance for utilizing the formative assessment process with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Power standards

identifying the standards that matter the most
Presents a practical guide that describes how educators can establish the standards that are necessary for individual students to achieve success.

Common formative assessments

how to connect standards-based instruction and assessment
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