"Pikachu and its buddies are rocking out at the Dug-Leo show! But Team Rocket wants to steal the spotlight. The show must go on. Can Ash, Pikachu, and their friends get the band back together?"--Back cover.
"Ash and Pikachu are visiting one of the tropical islands off Melemele's coast. There they discover all sorts of new and interesting Pok?mon. But these new Pok?mon can be a bit tricky! Can Ash and Pikachu rescue a mysterious Alolan water-type . . . and persuade a mischievous new Pok?mon to join their team?"--Back cover.
Mitsumi's loyalty comes into question after her battle with Hareta ends, as the race to catch the Pok?mon Dialga before Cyrus can seize its power for himself continues.
"Presents the legendary and mythical creatures of the Pok?mon universe, describing each character's statistics, fighting styles, and the best way to catch them"--OCLC.
"Trouble seems to be following Ash and his team around! A Quagsire takes the GS Ball. A young boy at a Pok?mon Trainer school tries to catch Pikachu. And Team Rocket is up to their usual troublesome tricks. How will Ash ever get it together to go for his first Johto League badge?"--Back cover.
Ash is torn between allowing Charizard, his only fire Pok?mon, to become strong by leaving Ash forever, or keeping Charizard to realize his dreams of becoming a Pok?mon Master.