Parr, Todd

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The peace book

Describes peace as making new friends, sharing a meal, feeling good about yourself, and more.

Do's and don'ts

In illustrations and brief text, presents twelve rules to live by, accompanied by silly alternatives, such as "Do help keep the house clean" and "Don't vacuum up the cat.".

The I love you book

Celebrates the love one person has for another, whether they are dancing or strolling, on snowy days and sunny ones, no matter what.

The feelings book

Children express different moods, including "I feel very mad," "I feel like reading books all day," and "I feel like wearing funny underwear.".

The thankful book

Easy-to-read text encourages the reader to find something every day for which to be thankful, from underwear that is just the right size to birthday cakes and the wishes they bring.

The family book

Represents a variety of families, some big and some small, some with only one parent and some with two moms or dads, some quiet and some noisy, but all alike in some ways and special no matter what.

The underwear book

Simple, colorfully illustrated text explains what exactly to do and not do with underwear, such as putting it away but not putting it in the freezer.

It's okay to be different

Illustrations and brief text describe all kinds of differences that are "okay," such as being a different color, needing some help, being adopted, and having a different nose.

The Earth book

Introduces young readers to the importance of conservation and provides ideas to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle, such as planting trees, using both sides of a piece of paper, and recycling. Includes a poster with ten tips to live green.

The peace book

Describes peace as making new friends, sharing a meal, feeling good about yourself, and more.


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