American tall tales

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Paul Bunyan

Paul was a big bundle of joy when he was born. The trouble was, he grew so big that he couldn't fit in the house!.

John Henry

Baby John was bigger and stronger than other kids. He could eat and talk from the day he was born!.

Calamity Jane

Martha Jane Cannary rode wild horses before she could walk. She could shoot a target from miles away at the age of five.

Pecos Bill

Retells the story of legendary cowboy Pecos Bill, who was raised by coyotes and had adventures with his beloved horse, Widow-Maker.

Paul Bunyan

Retells the story of giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan and his beloved ox, Babe.

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny travels to the Ohio Territory to plant apple trees and help pioneers.

Casey Jones

Retells the true story of Casey Jones, the engineer who always brought his train in on time.
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