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The escape artist

Jim "Zig" Zigarowski puts his life on the line when he and Nola Brown--who is suppsedly dead already--try to reveal the conspiracy in the highest levels of power.
Cover image of The escape artist


Ang's friend is accused of murder and the poor is being infected by a mysterious and fatal illness and it is up to Ang to protect her family and solve a murder before it is too late.
Cover image of Guardian


As the Anvil, an enormous asteroid, threatens to end all life on Earth, sixteen-year-old Min begins to uncover a lifetime of lies, a sinister conspiracy involving all students in her sophomore class in Fire Lake, Idaho.
Cover image of Nemesis

The end of Olympus

"Emily is contending with great changes, including diminished powers, but goes to London to rescue Agent B and others from the CRU, where she makes horrible discoveries about the agency's history"--OCLC.
Cover image of The end of Olympus

Gamer army

Even though he is only twelve, Rogan Weber is an obsessed gamer, whose motto, ego sum maximus, declares his confidence in his own abilities, and whose parents are also deeply involved in ultra high tech (a little too deeply sometimes); naturally he is thrilled to receive an invitation to join a tech giant's virtual reality TV gaming contest--but as the games become more and more intense and dangerous, he and his fellow gamers realize that something sinister is behind this particular game.

The dragonfly effect

The government has promised to protect Jax Opus and his family from enemies that want to use his hypnotic power to bring more evil into the world. Jax has reluctantly agreed to be protected. But protection has its price -- and soon Jax learns that if the government is going to help him, it's going to want some help in return.

The Forgetting

Canaan is a quiet city on an idyllic world, hemmed in by high walls, but every twelve years the town breaks out in a chaos of bloody violence, after which all the people undergo the Forgetting, in which they are left without any trace of memory of themselves, their families, or their lives--but somehow seventeen-year-old Nadia has never forgotten, and she is determined to find out what causes it and how to put a stop to the Forgetting forever.

Brightly burning

Two hundred years after a supervolcano causes an ice age on Earth, making the planet uninhabitable, seventeen-year-old mechanic Stella Ainsley accepts a position as governess on the Rochester, a private space ship orbiting the moon, falls in love with the ship's reclusive captain, befriends the secretive crew, and uncovers a plot that threatens the most vulnerable populations of the fleet.
Cover image of Brightly burning


In an alternate world, humans have nine lives in which they cannot wait to use them up. A young man named Julian who is determined to stay on his first life for as long as he can along with a group of student dissenters seek out to find answers, and are on the verge of exposing one of the greatest conspiracy ever unleashed on the world.
Cover image of Nine

The traitor's game

"After three years in exile, Kestra Dallisor has been summoned back to Antora by her father, right-hand man of the seemingly immortal king, Lord Endrick, but she is intercepted and kidnapped by the Coracks who want to use her to get the Olden Blade, which they believe can be used to kill the despot. Simon, one of the rebels with his own grudge against the Dallisors, is assigned to accompany her, but Kestra has her own plans and she does not intend to let anyone get in her way"--Publisher provided.
Cover image of The traitor's game


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