Saddleback's illustrated classics

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A beautiful love story turns to tragedy when jealousy takes root. The powerful general, Othello, finds himself hurting the one person he loves most in the world, his wife, Desdemona, when he misplaces his trust in Iago. Treacherous and vindictive, Iago is enraged at being passed over for a promotion and plots his revenge against Othello settingoff a chain of events that ends in the ultimate sacrifice.

Julius Caesar

A triumphant Caesar enters Rome after defeating the sons of his old enemy, Pompey. Jealousy and fear over Caesar's reforms reveal a brewing conspiracy to assassinate him. As the plot thickens, Caesar's wife is plagued by terrible nightmares and begs him not to go to the Capitol. But Caesar shrugs off her fears and is accompanied to the Senate by the conpirators thus sealing his fate. Caesar's loyal friends rally to avenge his death and preserve his legacy.

The taming of the shrew

No one shall marry Bianca, claims Baptista Minola, until her older sister Katherina is wed. Bianca is sweet and gentle, while her older sister, Kate, is an unruly shrew. Will anyone be able to stand Katherina long enough to marry her, allowing Bianca to be happily wed herself? A plan to win Bianca's love leads to a match for Katherina. But can a shrew be tamed?.

Twelfth night

Shipwrecked Viola disguises herself as a boy and enters the service of Duke Orsino and fall in love with him. Orsino sends his servant, Cesario (Viola in disguise) to woo the Countess Olivia on his behalf. Olivia cannot love Orsino, but promplty falls in love with his servant, Cesario (Viola). Viola's shipwrecked twin brother, Sebastin, arrives on the scene creating chaos as it now appears that Cesario can be in two places at once. Will all the confusion end to everyone's satisfaction?.


Presents a graphic novel adaptation of Shakespeare's drama about Macbeth, a man who kills the king in an attempt to seize the crown of Scotland for himself.

The best of Poe

Graphic novel adaptations of four of Edgar Allan Poe's short stories, including "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Cask of Amontillado," and "The Murders in the Rue Morgue.".
Cover image of The best of Poe


A graphic novel adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy about a Danish prince who seeks vengeance for his father's murder after being visited by his ghost.


A great soldier is tempted by the prophecies of three witches into murdering the king and seizing the crown of Scotland.
Cover image of Macbeth

Around the world in eighty days

A graphic novel adaptation of Jules Verne's adventure in which eccentric Englishman Phileas Fogg accepts a bet made at his London club to complete a journey around the world in only eighty days.


An illustrated adaptation of Bram Stoker's "Dracula" in which a small group of people, having discovered the double identity of the wealthy Transylvanian nobleman Count Dracula, vow to rid the world of the evil vampire.


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