Gardner, Sally

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Maggot moon

Friendship and trust inspire an unlikely teenager to rise up against an oppressive regime and expose the truth about a planned moon landing.

Mr. Tiger, Betsy, and the blue moon

"This is the story of Betsy K. Glory, the daughter of a mermaid and an ice-cream maker. She lives on an island that's been left off the map of the world where she wonders how to make wishes come true. She discovers that only Gongalong berries harvested when the moon is blue, then made into delicious-wishes ice cream will work. But even if you can find these rare berries, how do you turn the moon blue? With the help of Mr Tiger, his troupe of circus acrobats, an enchanted toad, a lonely giant and Mum and Dad, Betsy sets off on her quest"--Provided by publisher.

Maggot moon

Friendship and trust inspire an unlikely teenager to rise up against an oppressive regime and expose the truth about a planned moon landing.

The door that led to where

When sixteen-year-old AJ Flynn finds a mysterious key at his new job at a London law firm, he and his scrappy friends begin a series of journeys to 1830 where they discover a crime only they can solve.

Operation Bunny

Wings & Co. book one
At the age of nine, Emily Vole, a foundling raised to be housemaid and nanny for a wealthy couple, inherits a shop and discovers a magical world where, with the help of Fidget the talking cat, she must try to save fairies being targeted by a terrible witch.

Maggot moon

Friendship and trust inspire Standish to rise up against an oppressive regime and expose the truth about a planned moon landing.

Maggot moon

Following a stray football to the other side of a wall where there is a secret, Standish Treadwell discovers astonishing truths about a moon landing that the overseeing Motherland, a ruthless regime, is determined to hide.

Snow White

Presents an early-reader version of the tale of "Snow White." When Snow White takes a bite of a poison apple she falls asleep, watched over by seven dwarves, until a prince comes to wake her.

The princess and the pea

Presents an early-reader version of the story "The Princess and the Pea." A queen uses a pea and mattresses to find the perfect princess for her son, the prince, to marry.


Presents an early-reader version of the story of "Cinderella." Cinderella feels left out when her stepmother and sisters attend the Royal Ball without her, but then her Fairy Godmother shows up to make everything better.


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