
Topical Term

Benjamin Franklin

revolutionary inventor
A brief biography of inventor, statesman, and founding father, Benjamin Franklin, that profiles his life and works.

Johannes Gutenberg

the printer who gave words to the world
Profiles the life and work of Johannes Gutenberg, describing his personal life, inventions, and how the printing press changed the world; and including related Web addresses and suggestions for further reading.

Benjamin Franklin

inventing America
Presents a biography of statesman, inventor, and founding father, Benjamin Franklin from his childhood and youth in Boston, his entrance into politics and attempt to prevent war with England, and his views on slavery and the slave trade.

Breaking into print

before and after the invention of the printing press
Describes the nature of books in the world before the development of the printing press and the subsequent effect of that invention on civilization.

John Peter Zenger

free press advocate
Text and illustrations chronicle the life of controversial eighteenth-century American printer John Peter Zenger, whose trial for libel and sedition paved the way for freedom of the press.

Johannes Gutenberg

inventor of the printing press
Presents a biography of Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the printing press, and provides information on the Renaissance world, the Gutenberg Bible, and the impact his invention had on the world of books.

Benjamin Franklin

American statesman, scientist, and writer
A biography of the well known American statesman, inventor, printer, and author of "Poor Richard's Almanacks.".

Benjamin Franklin

Surveys the life of Benjamin Franklin, one of America's greatest inventors, philosophers, public servants, and political leaders, following his early years as a printer's apprentice, his life of public service and scientific experimentation, and his role as an originator and signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Benjamin Franklin

a photo-illustrated biography
Presents the life story of Ben Franklin, one of the authors of America's Declaration of Independence, who is also remembered as a craftsman, scientist, printer, and writer.

Meet Ben Franklin

A short biography of American patriot, inventor, and statesman, Benjamin Franklin, examining his childhood and work as a printer, his many inventions, and his role in the independence of America.


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