Sohn, Emily

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watch it change
Describes the different ways water affects humans; shows how it can change forms; and includes a related activity.

Earth materials

the mystery rocks
This book describes how rocks form, move, and change shape. An activity based on real world situations challenges readers to apply what they've learned in order to solve a puzzle.


the ever-changing earth
This book describes the forces that shape the Earth's surface and how and why they occur. An activity based on real world situations challenges readers to apply what they've learned in order to solve a puzzle.

Patterns and textures

who took the pets?
Describes how little details around you can help solve mysteries and come up with new ideas.

Structures of life

what is this fossil?
This book describes the differences and similarities between plants and animals, teaching the reader how to recognize them on his or her own. An activity based on real world situations challenges readers to apply what they've learned in order to solve a puzzle.


music to our ears
This book describes the different kinds of sound, how and why they happen, and how sound travels. An activity based on real world situations challenges readers to apply what they've learned in order to solve a puzzle.

Living systems

life's inside story
This book describes the different systems that make up humans and plants: how and why they both eat, drink, and stay alive. An activity based on real world situations challenges readers to apply what they've learned in order to solve a puzzle.

Levers and pulleys

lift anything!
This book describes different jobs that levers and pulleys can do and how they are able to do them. An activity based on real world situations challenges readers to apply what they've learned in order to solve a puzzle.

The human body

train it right
This book describes the basic human body systems and parts--how they function and how they relate to each other. An activity based on real world situations challenges readers to apply what they've learned in order to solve a puzzle.


beetles in the garden
This book describes the different ecosystems and habitats that make up the many environments on Earth. An activity based on real world situations challenges readers to apply what they've learned in order to solve a puzzle.


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