Popular mechanics (Chicago, Ill. : 1959)

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The boy mechanic makes toys

159 games, toys, tricks, and other amusements
Contains instructions for 159 projects for youngsters, including toys, games, and tricks, drawn from the pages of "Popular Mechanics" magazines published in the early 1900s.

Popular mechanics do-it-yourself encyclopedia

a complete how-to guide for the homeowner, the hobbyist, and anyone who enjoys working with mind and hands!

Popular mechanics

the boy mechanic : 200 classic things to build
Presents a collection of classic projects and articles taken from "Popular Mechanics" books and magazines spanning the first two decades of the twentieth century. Projects cover everything from a carpenter's vice to a folding bookrack.

Popular mechanics complete car care manual

Contains illustrated, step-by-step instructions for eighty automotive maintenance and repair projects, covering the engine, drivetrain, electrical and electronic systems, the chassis, and interior and exterior.
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