Explores the myths and legends of the ancient Greeks and of the Norsemen, presenting background information on the history and religious beliefs of the two cultures.
Explains how people have seen pictures in the sky for thousands of years, calling these star patterns constellations, and gives the modern list of constellations and when they are visible.
Alphabetically arranged entries provide information on the myths of ancient Greece and Rome, with entries covering heroes, gods, events, places, and constellations that make up ancient Greek and Roman literature.
Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide information about every character, human or divine, to appear in ancient Greek and Roman myths and legends; and includes genealogical tables, maps, and illustrations.
This book covers all aspects of Greek society including daily life, deities and legends, political systems, and important writers and thinkers including Sophocles, Plato, and Homer.
Presents a modern translation of Ovid's "The Metamorphoses," his long poem whose central topic is the theme of transformation, as found in the Greek and Roman myths. Includes an introduction, glossary, and catalog of transformations.