Terban, Marvin

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I think I thought and other tricky verbs

In humorous, alliterative, rhyming couplets, the present and past tenses of thirty irregular verbs are presented.

Mad as a wet hen!

and other funny idioms
Illustrates and explains over 100 common English idioms, in categories including animals, body parts, and colors.

It figures!

fun figures of speech
Introduces and explains common figures of speech such as metaphors, similes, personification, and hyperbole with guidelines for their use and illustrative examples.

Time to rhyme

a rhyming dictionary
Includes a list of words that rhyme and examples of poetry.

The dove dove

funny homograph riddles
A collection of over seventy riddles using homographs, words that are spelled the same but differ in meaning and pronunciation.

Hey, hay!

a wagonful of funny homonym riddles
A collection of riddles based on homonyms, arranged according to construction and level of difficulty.

Punctuation power

punctuation and how to use it
Explains the purpose and importance of punctuation and how it is used, covering apostrophes, colons, commas, exclamation points, hyphens, parentheses, slashes, and more.

Scholastic dictionary of idioms

An alphabetical listing of common figures of speech, along with their definitions and origins.

Ready! set! research!

your fast and fun guide to writing research papers that rock!
Contains advice on completing research projects, discussing finding information, writing the report, and finishing the project.

Punching the clock

funny action idioms
Introduces and explains more than 100 expressions which mean something different than the separate words in the group. For example: raise the roof, hold your horses, and carry a tune.


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