

Conspiracy of blood and smoke

Gretchen Muller and her family were family friends of Adolph Hitler before he became a monster. After escaping Germany, Gretchen developed three rules for staying alive--blend in with her surroundings, never reveal her true identity, and never, under any circumstances, go back to Germany. However, when her new life is threatened, she must break rule three and risk everything to go back home.


Europe between Hitler and Stalin
Examines the mass murders committed by the Nazi and Stalinist regimes, describing how the killings were more widespread than many believed, and explores how those crimes influenced other events in modern history.



The rise of the Nazis

Explores the history of the origins and rise of the Nazism.

Eva Braun

life with Hitler
Examines the life of Eva Braun, the misstress and eventually wife of Adolf Hitler.

Daily life in Hitler's Germany

Photographs and text help describe what it was like to live under the Nazi regime in the 1930s and early 1940s, examining how the Nazi's impacted life for men, women, and children of all nationalities.

June 1941

Hitler and Stalin
Offers penetrating insights and a new portrait of Hitler and Stalin, moved by their long-lasting inclinations.

The death of the adversary

While an unnamed adversary helplessly fascinates a young man, he watches his rise to power in 1930s Germany attempting to find logic where none exits.

Hitler in Paris

how a photograph shocked a world at war

Hunting Hitler

new scientific evidence that Hitler escaped Nazi Germany
In 2009, the world was startled with scientific DNA proof that the skull and bones Russia claimed were Hitler's since the end of World War II, actually belonged to a middle-aged woman whose identity remains unknown. The news rekindled interest in the claim Joseph Stalin maintained to the end of his life that Hitler got away. The truth is that no one saw Hitler and Eva Braun die in the Berlin bunker on April 30, 1945 and no definitive physical evidence exists proving Hitler died there.


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