hughes, langston

hughes, langston

Who was Langston Hughes?

"Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, and was raised by his grandmother, who told him many stories of the Black American experience and taught him to be proud of his race from a young age. With her guidance, Langston became a talented writer in high school, creating dramatic plays, poetry, and articles for the school paper. His career as a writer would continue to blossom. Langston pioneered jazz poetry and published nearly twenty poetry books during his lifetime. He was an activist and a major figure in the Harlem Renaissance period"--Provided by publisher.

There was a Party for Langston

A celebration of Langston Hughes and African American authors he inspired, told through the lens of the party held at the New York Public Library's Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in 1991.
Cover image of There was a Party for Langston

Langston Hughes

Describes the life and career of writer Langston Hughes.

Langston Hughes

jazz poet of the Harlem renaissance
"Celebrates the life of the jazz poet [Langston Hughes], and details his impact on African American culture during the 1920's and 1930's"--OCLC.

Langston Hughes

Harlem renaissance writer
Examines the life of 20th-century African-American poet, Langston Hughes.

The life of Langston Hughes

Presents a two-volume biography of African-American author Langston Hughes based primarily on the Langston Hughes Papers at the Beinecke Library of Yale University, tracing his life from his birth in Missouri in 1902,his successes and failures, to his death in 1967.

Langston Hughes

jazz poet of the Harlem renaissance
Introduce your readers to a stellar talent. There is no question that Langston Hughes was one of the brightest lights of the Harlem Renaissance. A true pioneer, Hughes was one of the first poets to draw on the syncopated rhythms of jazz and black urban dialect for his work, and it proved transformative for American poetry. With a looser lyrical style reminiscent of Walt Whitman, Hughes used his art to portraying the experiences, concerns, and consolations of black men and women. As a poet, playwright, and novelist, he was impressively prolific, leaving behind a body of work truly worthy of study and celebration.

Coming home

from the life of Langston Hughes
Describes some of the boyhood experiences that influenced the development of the African-American poet Langston Hughes.
Cover image of Coming home

Always movin' on

the life of Langston Hughes
Describes the life and career of twentieth-century African-American poet Langston Hughes, discussing his role in the Harlem Renaissance, his time in Spain, and his anger over racial inequality in the U.S.
Cover image of Always movin' on

Langston Hughes

great American writer
Examines the life of 20th-century, African-American poet, Langston Hughes.
Cover image of Langston Hughes


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