quotations, english

Topical Term
quotations, english

The Arden dictionary of Shakespeare quotations

Contains over 3,000 quotations taken from Shakespeare's plays and poems.

Famous lines

a Columbia dictionary of familiar quotations
A collection of quotations in more than 500 subject areas, including major social and political issues of the 1990s, such as, homelessness, AIDS, and sexual harassment, and also includes the timeless subjects of, art, morality, death, religion, and war.

Brush up your Shakespeare!

Presents several hundred of the most famous lines and newly minted words from Shakespeare including background notes, explanations, and more.

Incredible quotations

230 thought-provoking quotes with prompts to spark students' writing, thinking, and discussion
Presents questions designed to stimulate discussion and critical thinking, each derived from quotations on such topics as human nature, aesthetics, the environment, history, and leadership.

The concise Columbia dictionary of quotations

A collection of over 6,000 quotations organized alphabetically by topic with an index.

The Oxford dictionary of thematic quotations

A collection of more than 7,000 thematically-arranged quotations, relating to nearly 600 different topics.

The quotable woman

the first 5,000 years
A collection of more than eighteen thousand quotations by more than 3,600 women throughout history, arranged chronologically by contributor and representing more than one hundred countries and a wide variety of occupations and walks of life. Indexed by name, career/occupation, and ethnicity/nationality.

Something rich and strange

a treasury of Shakespeare's verse
Thematically arranged excerpts from Shakespeare's plays and sonnets.

Word hero

a fiendishly cleaver guide to crafting the lines that get laughs, go viral, and live forever
A guide to writing memorable phrases.


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