Little world biographies

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Muhammad Ali

Provides an overview of the life and boxing career of heavyweight champion, Muhammad Ali.
Cover image of Muhammad Ali

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A brief biography of author Laura Ingalls Wilder whose experiences as a pioneer girl on the frontier are depicted in her "Little House" books.

Muhammad Ali

Introduces children to the life of boxer Muhammad Ali, looking at how and why he started fighting, becoming a world champion, and his work outside the ring.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Introduces children to the life of the American architect, exploring his innovative design and the structures which won him fame around the world.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A brief biography of author Laura Ingalls Wilder whose experiences as a pioneer girl on the frontier are depicted in her "Little House" books.

Condoleezza Rice

Introduces children to the life of influential political leader Condoleezza Rice, discussing her childhood, schooling, years as a teacher, influence on American politics, and other related topics.

Michael J. Fox

Looks at the life and career of actor Michael J. Fox, discussing his successful acting career, his family, his optimistic attitude, his struggles to deal with the challenges of Parkinson's disease, and his work to find a cure.
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