debating the issues in pro and con primary documents
King, John A
Primary documents examine the key issues that presidents faced from 1953 to 1969, offering arguments both for and against each president's actions and views.
Presents a comprehensive biography of John F. Kennedy, and chronicles his early childhood and affluent lifestyle, experiences during World War Two, entrance into politics, his marriage, political policies, and assassination.
Explores the relationship between the Kennedy administration and the assassination of the president, looking at how the actions and interactions between Jack, Bobby, and their father Joe, contributed to the rise and fall of the Kennedy dynasty.
Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Presents the unabridged report of the Warren Commission convened by executive order of President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963 to investigate the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
When Cole Egan's father dies, he leaves Cole a key to a safe deposit box that contains a tape that proves that President Kennedy's death was a conspiracy, but now some people will do anything to make sure no one else sees the tape.
Photos fill this chronicle of John F. Kennedy's life and achievements as U.S. president, also providing a time line, a glossary, general information on the presidency, a table of facts on all the presidents up to George W. Bush, and a list of related books and Web sites.