Lupica, Mike

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Safe at home

a comeback kids novel
Playing baseball was the one thing that made twelve-year-old Nick Crandall feel at home until he found acceptance with adoptive parents, but he faces a new struggle to fit in when he becomes the first seventh-grader ever to make the varsity baseball team.

Hot hand

In the wake of his parents' separation, ten-year-old Billy seems to have continual conflicts with his father, who is also his basketball coach, but his quiet, younger brother Ben, a piano prodigy, is having even more trouble adjusting, and only Billy seems to notice.


Twelve-year-old Jake must leave his championship soccer team to play on a team with a losing record when his family moves to a neighboring town.

Miracle on 49th Street

Twelve-year-old Molly is surprised to learn from her dying mother that Josh Cameron, a star player with the Boston Celtics and media darling, is her father, and once she gets to know him, Molly comes to realize why her mom kept his identity a secret for so long.

Travel team

After he is cut from his travel basketball team--the very same team that his father once led to national prominence--twelve-year-old Danny Walker forms his own team of cast-offs that might have a shot at victory.

Long shot

A point guard for his school basketball team, Pedro decides to run for class president, but his running mate, Ned, who happens to be the most popular boy in school and Pedro's teammate, does not appreciate the competition.

The underdogs

Small but fast twelve-year-old Will Tyler, an avid football player in the down-and-out town of Forbes, Pennsylvania, takes matters into his own hands to try and finance the city's football team, giving the whole community hope in the process.

Two-minute drill

Brainy Scott, a great kicker who otherwise struggles with football, and star quarterback Chris, who has dyslexia, team up to help each other succeed in both football and school.


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