
Topical Term


the race to find the breast cancer gene

Diseases from space

Presents the theory that viruses and bacteria from outer space are the source of various diseases on Earth.

The inflammation syndrome

the complete nutritional program to prevent and reverse heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, and asthma
Discusses the role of foods in increasing the incidence of chronic inflammation in the human body, leading to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, asthma, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease, and presents a diet plan for preventing chronic inflammation, as well as case histories, and information on natural supplements.

Causes of cancer

Examines the biology of cancer, focusing on the causes of cancer, looking at infectious agents, radiation, and occupational and environmental carcinogens, and considering whether the disease can be inherited or prevented. . Includes a glossary and resources for further research.

Why we get fat and what to do about it

The author draws upon his theory of good calories and bad calories to address the question of why people gain weight, arguing that the nutritional science of the twentieth century has been misguided, discussing the crucial role of insulin in regulating fat tissue, and including a diet plan.

Man and microbes

disease and plagues in history and modern times
Explores the role that human behavior has in creating epidemics showing how changes in agriculture, nutrition, sanitation, technology, sexual behavior, and economic conditions prepared for the spread of new diseases in the past.

Plague time

the new germ theory of disease
Argues that serious illnesses are caused by a plague of chronic infections and not by a person's genes and lifestyle.

Mood genes

hunting for origins of mania and depression
Describes how scientists are conducting the search for genes that influence susceptibility to manic-depressive illness by taking DNA samples from relatives who suffer from the disorder, and discusses the implications of their findings for other mental illnesses such as autism, Tourette's syndrome, and schizophrenia.

Evolution of infectious disease

Presents the view that it is important to determine the evolutionary biology of pathogens in order to successfully fight infectious diseases.


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