
Topical Term

Change of plans

"When disaster strikes and chef Bryce Weatherford is given guardianship of her three young nieces, her life goes from cooking with fire . . . to controlling a dumpster fire. . . . With all this chaos, Bryce jettisons hope for a life outside of managing her family and her new job. It's been years since Ryker Matthews had his below the knee amputation, yet the phantom pain for his lost limb and Marine career haunts him. . . . He knows he's lucky to be alive. Yet, 'lucky' feels more like 'cursed' to his lonely heart. When Ryker literally sweeps Bryce off her feet in the grocery store's baby aisle, they both feel sparks. But falling in love would be one more curveball neither is ready to deal with . . . or is it exactly the change of plans they need?"--Provided by publisher.

Bethany Hamilton

Introduces readers to the life of surfer Bethany Hamilton, and how she returned to surfing after a shark attack.

What happened to you?

Joe, a young boy trying to play pirates at the playground, keeps getting interrupted with questions about what happened to his leg, and gets more and more fed up until the kids finally understand they don't need to know what happened.

The body factory

from the first prosthetics to the augmented human
"A graphic novel exploring amputation, revealing details about famous amputees throughout history, the invention of the tourniquet, phantom limb syndrome, types of prostheses, and transhumanist technologies"--.

Piece by piece

how I built my life (no instructions required)
". . . David Aguilar retells how he built his first arm with Legos, and shares many other stories to teach us the most important lesson he has learned in life : there is no better prosthetics than love"--Provided by publisher.

Shark attack!

Bethany Hamiltons story
"After she lost her arm in a shark attack, many were unsure whether Bethany Hamilton would ever surf again. But she set their fears to rest when she got back on her board only a few weeks later! . . This . . . graphic nonfiction title tells the true story of the attack, from the shark's first contact to Bethany's return to the water"--.

Bethany Hamilton

riding the waves
Illustrations and rhyming text relate the inspirational story of surfer Bethany Hamilton whose arm was severed by a tiger shark. Overcoming doubts and tremendous physical challenges, she later went on to compete in surfing contests all over the world with strong determination to keep "riding the waves.".


Told in a series of reports to his therapist, Hazard is resentful about being forced into counseling after being suspended from his school football team for unsportsmanlike conduct, angry that his father has served four tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, angry that his father has lost a leg when an IED blew up--but as his therapy progresses he begins to process what has happened to him and his family, including his father's psychological trauma that has made him refuse to see his sons.

What happened to you?

Imagine you were asked the same question again and again throughout your life... Imagine if it was a question that didn't bring about the happiest of memories... This is the experience of one-legged Joe, a child who just wants to have fun in the playground... Constantly seen first for his disability, Joe is fed up of only ever being asked about his leg. All he wants to do is play Pirates. But as usual, one after the other, all the children ask him the same question they always ask, What happened to you? Understandably Joe gets increasingly cross! Until finally the penny drops and the children realise that it's a question Joe just doesn't want to answer... and that Joe is playing a rather good game... one that they can join in with if they can stop fixating on his missing leg... Because children are children, after all.

One step at a time

a young woman's inspiring struggle to walk again
The author recounts her struggle to walk again after cancer caused the amputation of her left leg and hip.


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