military occupation

Topical Term
military occupation

What the kite saw

"A young boy finds solace flying his kite from the rooftop after soldiers take his father and brother away. Without his father and brother, the young boy's life is turned upside down. He and his family have to stay inside, along with everyone else in town. At suppertime, he can't stop looking at the two empty places at the table and his sister can't stop crying. The boy looks out the window and is chilled to see a tank's spotlight searching the park where he plays with his friends. He hears shouts and gunshots and catches sight of someone running in the street -- if only they could fly away, he thinks. Each day the curfew is lifted briefly, and the boy goes to the park to see his friends. One day, inspired by the wind in the trees, he has an idea. Back at home he makes a kite, and that night he flies it from his rooftop, imagining what it can see"--.

When my name was Keoko

With national pride and occasional fear, a brother and sister face the increasingly oppressive occupation of Korea by Japan during World War II, which threatens to suppress Korean culture entirely.
Cover image of When my name was Keoko

When my name was Keoko

With national pride and occasional fear, a brother and sister face the increasingly oppressive occupation of Korea by Japan during World War II, which threatens to suppress Korean culture entirely.

When my name was Keoko

With national pride and occasional fear, a brother and sister face the increasingly oppressive occupation of Korea by Japan during World War II, which threatens to suppress Korean culture entirely.

General Winston's daughter

Seventeen-year-old heiress Averie Winston travels with her guardian to faraway Chiarrin, a country her father's army has occupied, and once she arrives and is reunited with her fiance, she discovers that her notions about politics, propriety, the military, and even her intended have changed.

Sharon and my mother-in-law

Ramallah diaries
An account of a Palestinian architect's experiences of living in the Occupied Territories. Reflections range from the impossibility of obtaining a gas mask from the Israeli Civil Administration during the 1991 Gulf War to the irony of a dog receiving a Jerusalem identity card when thousands of Palestinians could not.

When My Name Was Keoko RB#131

With national pride and occasional fear, a brother and sister face the increasingly oppressive occupation of Korea by Japan during World War II, which threatens to suppress Korean culture entirely.

When my name was Keoko

With national pride and occasional fear, a brother and sister face the increasingly oppressive occupation of Korea by Japan during World War II, which threatens to suppress Korean culture entirely.

Seduced by Hitler

the choices of a nation and the ethics of survival
Explores the impact Hitler and the Nazis had on the people of Germany, discussing how different groups reacted to Hitler's demands.

Anson's way

While serving as a British Fencible to maintain the peace in eighteenth-century Ireland, Anson finds that his sympathy for a hedge master, a teacher devoted to teaching Irish children their forbidden language and culture, places him in conflict with the law of King George II.


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