d. 1521

d. 1521

Spice and the Devil's Cave

In 1490s Portugal, Abel Zakuto, a Jewish banker with a keen interest in mapmaking and sea navigation, encourages explorers Magellan, da Gama, and Diaz to find the elusive sea route around the "Devil's Cave"--the Cape of Good Hope--to India, which would enable Portugal to dominate the spice trade.

Barrier breakers

Read about Ferdinand Magellan, Emmeline Pankhurst, and Nelson Mandela. They are three people whose courage, ideas, and actions have changed the world.

Ferdinand Magellan

a primary source biography
A brief biography of sixteenth-century Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan, that chronicles the life and adventures of the first man to sail around the world.

Ferdinand Magellan

Tells the story of fifteenth-century explorer Ferdinand Magellan who became famous for being the first to imagine sailing west from Spain around the globe to reach the East Indies, and whose ship succeeded in completing the journey, even though he died in the Philippines.

Ferdinand Magellan

Presents a brief biography of sixteenth-century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, and describes some of the lands, people, plants, and animals he discovered during his voyage around the globe.

Ferdinand Magellan

first explorer around the world
Describes the life of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, including his 1519-21 expedition around the world.

Ferdinand Magellan

An introduction to the life of sixteenth-century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who found a passage for ships to sail west from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

To the edge of the world

In 1519, after the death of his parents, fourteen-year-old Mateo Mac?as becomes cabin boy to Ferdinand Magellan on a dangerous journey in search of a route to the fabled Spice Islands.


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