Presents the first report of the President's Council on Bioethics, established by President George W. Bush to advise him on bioethical issues related to advances in biomedical science and technology, focusing on the scientific and ethical ramifications of human cloning.
nuclear weapons and the illusion of missile defense
Butler, Richard
Examines the history of arms control efforts in the West since the 1960s, and explains why the author believes it is imperative to adopt a strong policy of arms reduction, especially in light of escalating terrorism.
Contains thirteen articles from a variety of historical sources that examine the relationship between Native Americans and the government, and present perspectives on the establishment and perpetuation of the reservation system.
Provides an account of the crash of an unidentified object in the bay of Shag Harbor, Canada in 1967, an event witnessed by many people; and considers the reasons why the government has been trying ever since to conceal the facts about what really happened.
Examines the controversial aspects of illegal drugs, discussing American attitudes toward drugs, the debate over legalization, drug treatment, prison sentences, and related topics.