A Venture book

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Hearing loss

Describes the conditions and varying degrees of hearing loss and deafness, and discusses methods by which the hearing-impaired can communicate with others.


Looks at the condition of diabetes, what is necessary for a diabetic to maintain proper health, what must be done in the event of an insulin reaction, and the possibilities of a cure.

Lyme disease and other pest-borne illnesses

Describes the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Lyme disease and examines other pest-borne diseases.

The underground railroad

Describes the underground railroad which helped slaves escape to freedom.

Experimenting with a microscope

Provides a brief history of the microscope and discusses how the microscope works, its parts, the preparation of slides, and how the microscope is used to view various specimens.

Understanding alternative medicine

Introduces five alternative medical systems and five major alternative treatments, including osteopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage therapy.

Science of chaos

A discussion of a new scientific theory, formed with the help of computers, which proposes the possibility of patterns and order in the chaos and unpredictability of both nature and also human aspects of the world.

Autoimmune diseases

Covers the symptoms, treatments, and possible causes of autoimmune diseases.


Discusses the history of tuberculosis, how attitudes towards it have changed, how it is transmitted, its most common symptoms, and what can be done to prevent the spread of this disease.

Breast cancer

Explores the many aspects of breast cancer, its growth and development, how it is detected, and different types of treatments. Includes first-hand accounts from women and families who have battled the disease.


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