Cormier, Robert

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a novel
A psychological thriller told from the points of view of a teenage serial killer and the runaway girl who falls in love with him.

Other bells for us to ring

When her father is transferred to an army camp in Massachusetts during the Second World War, Darcy feels isolated in her French-Canadian neighborhood until she meets the vivacious Kathleen Mary O'Hara and learns about Catholicism.

Beyond the chocolate war

a novel / bk 2
Dark deeds continue at Trinity High School, climaxing in a public demonstration of one student's homemade guillotine.

The Bumblebee flies anyway

Barney Snow, a voluntary participant in medical experiments at a hospital for the terminally ill, becomes emotionally involved with the dying patients.


A psychological thriller told from the points of view of a teenage serial killer and the runaway girl who falls in love with him.

Eight plus one


Take me where the good times are

At seventy, Tommy is old, lonely, and retired. When he comes into a windfall of sixty-three dollars, he heads back downtown to pick up his life where he left off.

In the middle of the night

Sixteen-year-old Denny lives in the shadow of a deadly accident with which his father was connected when he was Denny's age, a disaster for which some of the survivors still blame his father.

The bumblebee flies anyway

Sixteen-year-old Barney has only fleeting memories about his past but, as a voluntary patient at the institute for experimental medicine, he knows he is different from the terminally ill patients surrounding him. His involvement with the bitter, slowly dying, Mazzo brings Barney hope, pain, and a moment of heroic glory.

Now and at the hour

Alph LeBlanc is honest and hardworking, a husband and father. How could he be ill--dying? Alph has lost his job, but not his strength of will. Can he and his family pull together, and triumph over darkness?--Back cover.


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