hurston, zora neale

hurston, zora neale

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories
Presents vital information on the most-studied short stories at the high school and early-college levels. Each entry contains author biography, plot summary, characters, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, and criticism.

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories
Presents vital information on the most-studied short stories at the high school and early-college levels. Each entry contains author biography, plot summary, characters, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, and criticism.

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories
Presents vital information on the most-studied short stories at the high school and early-college levels. Each entry contains author biography, plot summary, characters, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, and criticism.

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories
Presents vital information on the most-studied short stories at the high school and early-college levels. Each entry contains author biography, plot summary, characters, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, and criticism.

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories
Presents vital information on the most-studied short stories at the high school and early-college levels. Each entry contains author biography, plot summary, characters, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, and criticism.

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels
Each volume provides discussions of the literary and historical background of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes concise synopses of plot, characters and themes, a brief author biography, discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance, and excerpted criticism.

Drama for students

presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas
Features analysis of the plays most frequently studied in literature classes. Entries include: introduction providing overview of play; brief biography of playwright; plot summary; discussion of play's principal themes; essays on play's construction; and excerpted critical commentary.

Zora Neale Hurston

Contains twelve essays in which various authors provide critical analyses of the works of American folklorist and author Zora Neale Hurston, and includes an introduction by Harold Bloom, a chronology,and a bibliography.

Zora Neale Hurston

Provides in-depth analysis of the life, works, career, and critical importance of Zora Neale Hurston.

The life of Zora Neale Hurston

author and folklorist
Profiles the life and career of author and folklorist Zora Neale Hurston, who travelled extensively to study and collect African-American culture and folklore, and became an influential writer of the 1920s Harlem Renaissance.


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