Geographic Name

The Stonewall riots

the fight for LGBT rights
Hidden Heroes brings to light the straggles and triumphs of key figures whose stories have been lost in time. Discover whose calculations launched the US space ships. Learn whose pen brought down art oil empire. Explore whose heroic flights helped win World War II. Activists, journalists, mathematicians, pilots, and even baseball players all had an impact on society. Their names may not be well known today, but their contributions still resonate. Uncover their lives and legacies in Hidden Heroes.

War and Watermelon

As the summer of 1969 turns to fall in their New Jersey town, twelve-year-old Brody plays football in his first year at junior high while his older brother's protest of the war in Vietnam causes tension with their father.

Northern Ireland, the divided province

Traces the origins of the violence and provides an account of the struggle focusing on the recent outbreak of large -scale violence from the late 1960s to the present day.
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