new deal, 1933-1939

Topical Term
new deal, 1933-1939

Climbing out of the Great Depression

the New Deal
Offers an overview of the government programs created by President Roosevelt to help lift the United States out of the Great Depression.

The New Deal

rebuilding America
Examines the New Deal, a plan designed by Franklin D. Roosevelt and enacted to help America recover from the Great Depression, discussing the events that led to it, how it was implemented, and the program's success.

The Depression and New Deal

a history in documents
A collection of documents that provide insight into the realities of American life during the Great Depression, including song lyrics, magazine articles, murals and posters, excerpts from literary works, political cartoons, news stories, photographs, interviews, and letters.

The story of the Great Depression

Presents a brief overview of the Great Depression, providing information on the economic realities of failed businesses, banks closed, and people without work, and includes information on Franklin Delano Roosevelt's policy called "a new deal.".

The Great Depression, 1929-1938

Presents a history of the United States from 1929 when the stock market crashed to 1938. Includes illustrations and side-bars.

The Great Depression and the New Deal

America's economy in crisis
Examines the causes and effects of the Great Depression and describes President Roosevelt's New Deal, which provided relief to families through public work projects and other government-funded posts.

The Great Depression and the New Deal

Presents an overview of events such as the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Hoover years, Roosevelt's First New Deal, the Dust Bowl, and the Second New Deal, and contains biographies of Herbert Hoover, Harry Lloyd Hopkins, Hugh S. Johnson, Frances Perkins, Henry Wallace, and Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

FDR's folly

how Roosevelt and his New Deal prolonged the Great Depression
Argues that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal programs deepened the Great Depression, slowed economic growth, and hurt America's future by expanding the federal government, raising taxes, developing Social Security, and making new labor laws.

The New Deal

Describes the events leading up to the Great Depression and Roosevelt's plan for relief, recovery, and reform.


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