Samuel F. B. Morse / Latham, Jean Lee

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Samuel F. B. Morse, artist-inventor

A brief biography of the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code, who planned from early childhood to be a painter of great historical pictures but first won recognition as a portrait painter.

Samuel F. B. Morse, artist-inventor

A brief biography of the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code, who planned from early childhood to be a painter of great historical pictures but first won recognition as a portrait painter.

Samuel F. B. Morse, artist-inventor

A brief biography of the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code, who planned from early childhood to be a painter of great historical pictures but first won recognition as a portrait painter.

Samuel F. B. Morse, artist-inventor

A brief biography of the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code, who planned from early childhood to be a painter of great historical pictures but first won recognition as a portrait painter.

Samuel F. B. Morse, artist-inventor

A brief biography of the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code, who planned from early childhood to be a painter of great historical pictures but first won recognition as a portrait painter.

Samuel F. B. Morse

A biography of the inventor of the telegraph and Morse code, who planned from early childhood to be a painter of great historical pictures but first won recognition as a portrait painter.
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