Greenberg, Jan

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The pig-out blues

A slightly overweight, broke, and bored fifteen-year-old slowly learns to handle her two major problems--her eating habits and her mother.

Exercises of the heart

Fifteen-year-old Roxie cannot get along with her mother, whose slow recovery from a stroke has made home life difficult, and envies her best friend until a crisis of conscience threatens to change that relationship forever.

No dragons to slay

A high school senior with cancer learns some new perceptions from his friendship with a beautiful young archaeologist.

Just the two of us

Holly convinces her mother to let her spend the summer with her friend Max Applebaum and his family. There Holly and Max start a new business venture.

The iceberg and its shadow

Anabeth' s ideas about friendship begin to change shortly after Mindy Gottfried joins the sixth grade at Skokie Elementary School.

Andy Warhol

prince of pop
Chronicles the life of pop artist Andy Warhol, describing his childhood in Pittsburgh, the development of the Factory, and his rise to fame.

The mad potter

George E. Ohr, eccentric genius
Looks at the life of potter George E. Ohr, known for his unique designs, whose work did not become widely successful until after his death.

Chuck Close, up close

A biography of the revisionist artist who achieved prominence in the late 1960s for enormous, photographically realistic, black and white portraits of himself and his friends.

Christo & Jeanne-Claude

through the Gates and beyond
Uses interviews, color photographs, and reproductions of their conceptual art to profile the lives and careers of Christo and Jeanne-Claude.

Runaway girl

the artist Louise Bourgeois
Chronicles the life of French modern artist Louise Bourgeois and provides photos of many of her works, guidance on looking at sculpture, a list of places to see her artwork, and several other resources.


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