Shuter, Jane

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Life in a Greek temple

Provides a description of the Greek temple, how they were built, what the temples looked like, the various Greek gods and goddesses, priests and priestesses, Greek worship and festivals, and more.

The Acropolis

This book discusses the history of the Acropolis, a large fortified hill in the center of Athens, and the uses to which it and the structures built upon it have been put throughout the ages.


An illustrated introduction to Mesopotamia, describing archaeological findings that reveal information on the civilization's religious beliefs and burial practices, daily life, trades, and related topics. Includes a glossary, time line, and sources for further reading.
Cover image of Mesopotamia

The Incas

Presents an overview of the Incan culture, examining such topics as government, religion, recreation, domestic life, occupations, entertainment, food, shelter, and clothing.

The Aztecs

Presents an overview of the Aztec culture, discussing their government, recreation, trade, travel, family life, food, occupations, and entertainment.

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages

An introduction to the various elements of life in the Middle Ages, including religion, knights, castles, family life, and food.

How the ancient Egyptians lived

Explores everyday life in ancient Egypt, discussing family, children, clothing, food, drink, temples, and other related topics.

Ancient China

A description of life in ancient China written in the form of a travel guide, providing facts about the culture, and including tips on travel, food, shelter, attractions, shopping, health, and safety.
Cover image of Ancient China

The camp system


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