Buckley, James

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Who is Tom Brady?

Profiles the life and career of professional football player Tom Brady.

Muhammad Ali

the greatest of all time!
"This graphic novel follows the life of Muhammad Ali as he became a world heavyweight boxing champion, activist, and philanthropist"-- Provided by publisher.

Mason versus the tornado

dog rescue!
"When tornados tore through Alabama, they ripped the roofs off houses, tore apart trees, and sent debris flying miles away. They also picked up Mason the dog and sent him sailing away from his home and owners. Mason's family searched desperately for their beloved pet, but he was nowhere to be seen. Find out about this brave dog's slow, crawling journey back home after a tornado in this graphic adventure of animal escape. Then, learn more about the heroes that saved other animals from terrifying tornadoes"--Provided by publisher.

Who was Sam Walton?

"Sam Walton used the money he earned in the army, along with some financial help from his family, to open his first store. Then he opened fourteen more. Then Sam had an even bigger idea. He wanted to build large stores in small towns and reduce the price of everything they stocked. Although other businessmen and potential partners laughed at him, this entrepreneur with humble beginnings used his resourcefulness to create Walmart, which would become the largest company in the world"--Provided by publisher.

Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?

Details superstar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's career from the wrestling ring to the big screen.
Cover image of Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?

Who were the Navajo code talkers?

"By the time the United States joined the Second World War in 1941, the fight against Nazi and Axis powers had already been under way for two years. In order to win the war and protect its soldiers, the US Marines recruited twenty-nine Navajo men to create a secret code that could be used to send military messages quickly and safely across battlefields. . . [This book] explains how these brave and intelligent men developed their . . . code, recounts some of their riskiest missions, and discusses how the country treated them before, during, and after the war"--Provided by publisher.

Who were the Navajo code talkers?

"By the time the United States joined the Second World War in 1941, the fight against Nazi and Axis powers had already been under way for two years. In order to win the war and protect its soldiers, the US Marines recruited twenty-nine Navajo men to create a secret code that could be used to send military messages quickly and safely across battlefields. . . [This book] explains how these brave and intelligent men developed their . . . code, recounts some of their riskiest missions, and discusses how the country treated them before, during, and after the war"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Who were the Navajo code talkers?

Talkin' lacrosse

Discusses the history and rules of lacrosse.

Babe Ruth

baseball's all-time best!
"Learn about the . . . life and accomplishments of Babe Ruth in this . . . educational graphic novel"--Provided by publisher.

Kevin Durant

A brief biography of American Olympic gold medalist Kevin Durant, discussing his childhood, family, and career in basketball.


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