
Topical Term

My German question

growing up in Nazi Berlin
The author, an antireligious Jew, tells the story of his youth in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1939, discussing his feelings toward Germany and the Germans, the relatively benign early years of the Nazi regime, and his last months in the country before emigrating with his family.

Nazi Germany

A critical introduction

Mussolini and the origins of the Second World War, 1933-1940

Examines Italy's foreign policy in the late interwar period, drawing from declassified materials to discuss the nature of Benito Mussolini's relationship with Adolf Hitler and his decision to declare war against England and France in 1940.

Mischling, second degree

my childhood in Nazi Germany
The memoirs of a German girl who became a leader among the Hitler Youth while her Social Democratic family kept from her the secret of her partial Jewish heritage.

Documents on the Holocaust

selected sources on the destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union

Shadow of his hand

a story based on the life of holocaust survivor Anita Dittman
The daughter of a German and a Jew, Anita's dreams of becoming a famous ballerina are crushed by increasing Nazi persecution, but she is sustained, even while in a Nazi work camp, by her strong Christian faith and the conviction that she will one day be reunited with her mother and sister.

Hitler's shadow war

the Holocaust and World War II
Argues that World War II was the direct result of Hitler's racial hatred and was eventually used as a veil behind which Hitler implemented and masked his genocidal ambitions.

Catholic theologians in Nazi Germany

Profiles five Catholic theologians who were born during the Kulturkampf, grew up during the Hitler era, and had a major influence on Catholicism in the English-speaking world.

Between dignity and despair

Jewish life in Nazi Germany
Draws from memoirs, diaries, interviews, and letters of Jewish women and men in an attempt to understand how encroaching fascism and antisemitism affected Jews in their daily lives in pre-World War II Germany; and discusses how the Jewish people coped with the loss of friends, careers, businesses, and hope.

To cross a line

In 1938, after a minor traffic accident, seventeen-year-old Egon Katz joins an increasing number of German Jews desperately trying to find a way out of the country.


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