"Ghost, a naturally talented runner and troublemaker, is recruited for an elite middle school track team. He must stay on track, literally and figuratively, to reach his full potential"--Provided by publisher.
"Ghost, a naturally talented runner and troublemaker, is recruited for an elite middle school track team. He must stay on track, literally and figuratively, to reach his full potential"--Provided by publisher.
"Ghost, a naturally talented runner and troublemaker, is recruited for an elite middle school track team. He must stay on track, literally and figuratively, to reach his full potential"--Provided by publisher.
the steamboat & stagecoach era in the northern West
Schwantes, Carlos A.
Chronicles the age of the steamboat and the stagecoach in America's northwest region, examining technological, economic, and social aspects and presenting more than two hundred photos and other illustrations.
Traces the history of stagecoaching in the United States from the early crude wagons to the coaches of the Overland Mail emphasizing the role of stage lines in the opening of the West.
Discusses the various kinds of wheeled transportation that made possible the settling of the Western frontier, from the first vehicles brought by the Spaniards in 1590 to the development of the railroads.