eating disorders

Topical Term
eating disorders

Understanding anorexia nervosa

Discusses the causes and consequences of anorexia nervosa, as well as ways to treat and prevent this condition.

Inside eating disorder support groups

Discusses eating disorders in relation to support groups, the interactions occurring in such groups, what happens in a meeting, how to start a group, and the positive benefits available from such support.

Everything you need to know about eating disorders

anorexia and bulimia
Discusses eating disorders, the role of food in our lives, and how to stay healthy physically and mentally.

Eating disorder survivors tell their stories

Four survivors of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and compulsive overeating share their experiences and give advice for the recovery of others.

Bulimia nervosa

the secret cycle of bingeing and purging
Introduces the eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa, including its development, its prevention, and sources of help.

Anorexia nervosa

when food is the enemy
Describes the origins and symptoms of anorexia nervosa, who is at risk, why it develops in certain individuals, and how it can be controlled by healthy eating habits.

Food and emotions

Explains the physical and psychological effects of food, and discusses the impact of food on brain chemistry and blood sugar, the physical and emotional reasons for food cravings, emotional eating, eating disorders, and the importance of a balanced diet.

Compulsive overeating

Discusses the issue of compulsive overeating, providing a definition of the disorder, examining its effects on teens, and offering advice to young people on how to deal with their own eating problems, as well as those of others. Includes addresses and Internet sites for further information and assistance.


Presents a discussion of anorexia, providing a definition of the eating disorder, examining its effects on teens, and offering advice to young people on how to respond to the problem in themselves and others. Includes addresses and Internet sites for further information and assistance.


Presents a discussion of bulimia, providing a definition of the eating disorder, examining its effects on teens, and offering advice to young people on how to respond to bulimia in themselves and others. Includes addresses and Internet sites for further information and assistance.


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