rites and ceremonies

Topical Term
rites and ceremonies

Pow wow

Describes Native American gatherings, powwows, celebrating their culture and life, including crafts and folklore.


Profiles the Maori of New Zealand, including their history, culture, and government.

Aboriginal Australians

Profiles the customs and traditions of Aboriginal Australians.


The Yanomami live deep in the Amazon rainforest. Their name means ?human being.? Learn more about the myths, traditions, and social activities of this Indigenous group in Yanomami.

American Indian festivals

Briefly describes some of the customs and practices related to festivals celebrated in various North American Indian cultures.

Totem poles

Describes how the Indians of the Pacific Northwest used totem poles to tell stories.

Oak Flat

a fight for sacred land in the American West
"[This] book follows the fortunes of two families with profound connections to [Oak Flat]: the Nosies, an Apache family whose teenage daughter is an activist and leader in the Oak Flat fight, and the Gorhams, a mining family whose patriarch was a sheriff in the lawless early days of Arizona statehood"--Publisher.
Cover image of Oak Flat

Native American celebrations and ceremonies

Native American celebrations are packed with symbolic gestures and intriguing details. A kind of party called a potlatch, staged by native peoples of the Pacific Northwest, was marked by guests receiving gifts, not giving them, and were sometimes observed to get back at an enemy. This appealing volume about a high-interest aspect of native cultures highlights several celebrations like the potlatch as well as ceremonies important to Native Americans across North America. Thought-provoking fact boxes, historical images, and modern-day customs will engage readers of all levels. A concluding graphic organizer and critical-thinking questions encourage readers to consider the book's key ideas.

Chich?n Itz?

"In this book, early fluent readers will marvel at Chich?n Itz? while learning about its history, location, uses, and architecture"--Provided by publisher.

Pueblo and Navajo Indian life today

"This collection represents a segment of the lives of the Navajo and Pueblo people of the American Southwest--two diverse groups who are an important part of American culture today"--Provided by publisher.


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