autism in children

Topical Term
autism in children

Mori's story

a book about a boy with autism
A boy discusses his autistic brother, including his home life, foster home, schooling, and how the disease affects the whole family.

The incredible 5-point scale

assisting students with autism spectrum disorders in understanding social interactions and controlling their emotional responses
Offers teachers, aides, principals, and parents practical advice to help them better understand the behavior of students with Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism and manage behavior problems in the classroom and at home.

Voices of autism

the healing companion : stories for courage, comfort and strength
A collection of personal essays in which people from diverse backgrounds share their experiences with autism, offering parents and caregivers of autistic children hope and encouragement.


A study of autism, a developmental disorder that affects the functioning of the brain, discussing the history of the disorder, its symptoms, and its treatment.

Ten things every child with autism wishes you knew

Identifies the top ten characteristics that influence the hearts and minds of children with autism, with tips and information to help parents, social workers, therapists, doctors, and educators better understand what it means to be autistic.

My friend has autism

A young boy describes his friendship with Zack, who is autistic, discussing the challenges Zack faces and how he acts.

Ten things your student with autism wishes you knew

The author offers ten things about how autistic children think and learn in order to help teachers educate them more effectively.

Autism, the invisible cord

a sibling's diary
Teenager Jenny describes what it is like to live with her younger brother who has autism.

Asperger's rules!

how to make sense of school and friends
A guide to school for children with Asperger's, explaining the confusing rules of the classroom, how to interact with other kids, and maintain healthy habits.


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