Spangenburg, Ray

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The birth of science

ancient times to 1699
Explores the progress of science throughout history, focusing on the accomplishments of the early Greeks, as well as the scientists and discoveries of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Scientific Revolution.

The American Indian experience

Describes historic places in the United States associated with Native American history and culture, including Little Big Horn Battlefield, Alcatraz Island, and Nez Perce National Historic Park.

Science and invention

An exploration of eleven historic places in the United States associated with science and invention, providing general information about each site, and discussing who lived there, how the place related to that person's life and work, and what it is like to visit there today.

Eleanor Roosevelt

a passion to improve
Describes the life and significant achievements of the woman who helped transform the role of first lady.


Text and color illustrations describe the atmosphere of Venus and the history of humankind's study of the planet.


Describes the orbit, temperature, surface formations, composition, and theories of formation of the planet Mercury, and the probe Mariner X that took pictures of it in 1974 and 1975.

Living and working in space

Examines the early Soviet and United States space stations, the space programs of other countries, and other areas of space research and exploration.

The story of America's bridges

Traces the history of bridges in America, focusing on the people and technology involved in the construction of wooden, iron, suspension, cantilever, and modern-day bridges.

Observing the universe

A comprehensive look at the exploration of the universe, from observations of ancient skywatchers to the first orbiting observatories and voyages of robot spacecraft to the outer solar system.

A look at comets

A comprehensive look at comets, from man's earliest observations of "hairy stars," to recent sightings of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Halle-Bopp, to future space missions to study comets in the outer solar system.


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