Beller, Susan Provost

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Roots for kids

a genealogy guide for young people
"A manual that teaches young children how to do genealogy research on their family history"--.

The aftermath of the Mexican Revolution

Traces the chaos the ensured in the aftermath of the Mexican Revolution in the early 1900s that led to the creation of a new Mexican constitution in 1917.

Never were men so brave

the Irish Brigade during the Civil War
Discusses the conditions in Ireland that led many to come to America in the mid-1800s, the formation of the Union Army's Irish Brigade, and the experiences of these soldiers during the Civil War.

Billy Yank & Johnny Reb

soldiering in the Civil War
Describes military life for the average soldier in the Civil War, including camp life, diseases, and conditions for the wounded and prisoners of war. Includes excerpts from first-person accounts, letters, and diaries.

To hold this ground

a desperate battle at Gettysburg
A dramatic account of the battle for Little Round Top at Gettysburg in 1863 as well as a biography of Colonels Chamberlain of Maine and Oates of Alabama, whose troops fought this bloody battle.

The siege of the Alamo

soldiering in the Texas revolution
Examines the daily struggles of soldiers in the Texas Revolution focusing on the Battle of the Alamo. Includes black-and-white photographs, first-person accounts of battles, maps, and a chronology.

Medical practices in the Civil War

Discusses medical care during the Civil War, focusing on disease, wounds, medical personnel, instruments, surgery and anesthesia, recovery, and changes in medicine during the war.

Mosby and his rangers

adventures of the gray ghost
Describes how Colonel John Mosby and his partisan soldiers conducted successful guerrilla warfare on Northern troops during the Civil War.

Battling in the Pacific

soldiering in World War II
Contains first-person accounts and commentary that describe various aspects of life for American soldiers fighting in the Pacific theater of World War II on land, at sea, and in the air.


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