Slavicek, Louise Chipley

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Run- DMC

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Alexander the Great

Presents a biography of Alexander the Great,from his early days in Macedonia, to his trainning as a warrior-king, to his ultimate conquest of foreign lands and the creation of the greatest empire in world history. Includes bibliography, index, sidebars, and illustrations.

Daniel Inouye

Profiles the life and career of Daniel Inouye, son of Japanese immigrants, who became the first Japanese American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.


This book presents a history of the nation of Israel and a discussion of how the history of that nation and of the Jewish people fuel turmoil in the Middle East today, especially the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

The San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906

Provides an account of the devastating earthquake that struck San Francisco on April 18, 1906, and the resulting fires that left the city in ruins, tells how survivors coped with the disaster, discusses the rebuilding effort, and looks at what researchers have learned about earthquakes and how to predict them since the 1906 event.

Women of the American Revolution

Provides information about American women during and after the Revolutionary War, discussing prewar resistance, looking at the activities of patriots, camp followers, loyalists, and pacifists, and considering the lives of Native American and African-American women.

King David

Describes the life and accomplishments of King David, who was a sheep herder in Bethlehem and became the ruler of ancient Israel.

Juan Ponce de Le?n

Chronicles the life of explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, focusing on his many accomplishments in the New World.

Annie Montague Alexander

naturalist and fossil hunter
Tells the life story of naturalist and museum patron Annie Montague Alexander, describing her childhood in Hawaii, her initiation to field collecting at a relatively late age, and the forty years she spent amassing specimens for the two museums she founded at the University of California at Berkeley.

Jane Addams

Presents a biography of Jane Addams, discussing how she overcame the limitations imposed on women in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to become a preeminent political reformer, feminist, and antiwar activist. Includes photographs, a chronology, and further reading sources.


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