Cothran, Helen

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National security

opposing viewpoints
Contains twenty-six essays that provide a range of perspectives on the issue of national security, discussing the threats to national security, the U.S. response to terrorism, ways to enhance national security, and whether a stronger national security threatens civil liberties.


opposing viewpoints
A collection of articles designed to help the reader understand the different issues surrounding the subject of pornography and its censorship.

War-torn Bosnia

Presents a collection of firsthand accounts of the war in Bosnia covering such topics as the causes of the war, atrocities, the siege of Sarajevo, media coverage, and peacekeeping efforts.

Police brutality

opposing viewpoints
Presents various articles that discuss opposing viewpoints about the breadth of the problem of police brutality, the factors which cause it, and who should be responsible for eliminating it.

The Internet

opposing viewpoints
Contains twenty-six essays in which the authors debate issues related to the Internet, discussing the effect of the Internet on society and American institutions, whether or not the Internet should be regulated, and the future of the communication technology.

Global resources

Sets out differing views on the nature and extent of depletion of the Earth's resources and whether development has caused environmental and population crises.

The Central Intelligence Agency

Seventeen essays debate issues involving the CIA, such as whether it should be blamed for the September 11 attacks, whether the ban on CIA assassinations should be amended, and whether covert action itself is justified.

Animal experimentation

opposing viewpoints
Contains twenty-six essays in which various authors debate issues related to animal experimentation, discussing animal rights, the ethics of animal experimentation, methods of experimentation, and other options.

Energy alternatives

opposing viewpoints
Contains twenty-eight essays in which various authors debate issues related to energy alternatives, discussing whether alternative energy sources are necessary, nuclear power, which alternatives should be pursued, and alternatives to gas-powered cars.


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