An Elephant and Piggie book

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Listen to my trumpet!

When Piggie plays her new trumpet for Gerald, the elephant decides he must be honest in his response.

Watch me throw the ball!

Gerald the elephant tries to tell Piggie that ball-throwing is serious business, but Piggie just wants to have fun.

Today I will fly!

While Piggie is determined to fly, Elephant is skeptical, but when Piggie gets a little help from others, amazing things happen.

Pigs make me sneeze!

When Gerald the elephant begins sneezing around his friend Piggie, he begins to suspect that he might be allergic to pigs and is afraid this could mean the end of their friendship.

My friend is sad

When Gerald the Elephant is sad, Piggie is determined to cheer him up, but finds after many tries that it only takes the simplest thing to change Gerald's mood.

I broke my trunk!

Gerald the elephant tells his best friend Piggie a long, crazy story about how he broke his trunk.

Elephants cannot dance!

Gerald the elephant is certain that he cannot dance but his friend Piggie convinces him to try.

I will surprise my friend!

Best friends Elephant and Piggie decide that they will try to surprise each other, with unexpected results.

Waiting is not easy!

Piggie tells Gerald she has a surprise for him, but it is not there yet so Gerald must be patient.

My new friend is so fun!

Gerald the elephant and Snake fear that Piggie and Brian Bat will have so much fun together they will no longer need their best friends.


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