

Juan Ponce de Leon And His Lands Of Discovery

Examines the life and adventures of sixteenth-century Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, and describes his discoveries, victory, and defeats.

Ponce de Le?on

exploring Florida and Puerto Rico
Chronicles the life and adventures of fifteenth-century Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, and describes his voyages with Columbus and colonization of Puerto Rico, exploration of Florida, the Calusa encounters, and the legacy he left behind.

Juan Ponce de Le?on

A biography of the Spanish explorer who sought fruitlessly to discover a fountain of youth in Florida and the Caribbean.

Juan Ponce de Leon

first in the land
"A biography of Ponce ce Leon. The first part of the book deals with events of his childhood which show the development of traits which later led to fame. The second part deals with his adult achievements.".

Juan Ponce de Le?on

Biography of explorer Ponce de Le?on, profiling his life and travels to the New World, both with Christopher Columbus and on expeditions of his own.

Ponce de Le?on and the age of Spanish exploration in world history

Examines the life and career of Juan Ponce de L?eon, tracing his travels in the Carribbean and his discoveries of Florida and the Gulf Stream during his unsuccessful search for the fountain of youth.

Juan Ponce de Le?n

Examines the life and career of Juan Ponce de L?on, tracing his travels in the Caribbean and his discoveries of Florida and the Gulf Stream during his search for the fountain of youth.

Ponce de Le?n

Juan Ponce de Le?n searches for the fountain of youth
Describes the life and achievements of Ponce de Le?n, the Spanish explorer who first came to the New World with Columbus, went on to become governer of Puerto Rico, and later came to Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth.

Juan Ponce de Leon and the search for the Fountain of Youth

A biography of the Spanish explorer and governor of Cuba, who attempted to find the Fountain of Youth in the New World.


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