organized crime

Topical Term
organized crime

Judge & jury

Senior FBI agent Nick Pellisante and Andie DeGrasse, an aspiring actress and juror for the trial of a notorious crime boss are the only ones left to seek justice after Mafia Don Dominic Cavello and his henchmen systematically eliminate everyone who stand in their way.

The firm

A Harvard law graduate finds that the tax firm he's employed by is not what it seems when the FBI approaches him to become an informant.

Original gangster

the real life story of one of America's most notorious drug lords
The author, once the head of the most notorious international drug-smuggling gangs in America, recounts his life as a former heroine dealer, making millions of dollars per day selling "Blue Magic.".

Organized crime

an inside guide to the world's most successful industry

Is the Mafia still a force in America?

A collection of ten controversial essays that debate issues concerning the presence of the Mafia in American including the Mafia's whereabouts in various cities, white-collar crime, and surveillance.

Mobsters and gangsters

organized crime in America, from Al Capone to Tony Soprano
A heavily illustrated history of American outlaws, from the early gangs of the Wild West and New York City to the gangster golden age and the growth of the mob, featuring profiles of key figures and special sections on molls, snitches, and movie and television portrayals.

Organized crime

A collection of articles, personal accounts, and case studies that discuss how organized crime threatens society.

Yakuza diary

doing time in the Japanese underworld
The author tells about the experiences he had while investigating Japanese gangsters, known as yakuza, focusing on the several months he spent in the company of one of the top mob bosses.

Last days of the Sicilians

at war with the Mafia : the FBI assault on the Pizza connection
The FBI investigation of a billiondollar drug pipeline bringing heroin into the U.S. through pizza parlors.

Death run

A mafia banker with access to a large number of criminal accounts is willing to give evidence in exchange for help retiring from the mob, but when spy John Chase assists him, he puts his fifteen-year-old twins, Rich and Jade, in the line of fire.


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