Spiders discovery library

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Jumping spiders

Presents an introduction to jumping spiders, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behvior.

Black widow spiders

Presents an introduction to the black widow and other spiders, discussing how they trap their prey, where they live, their physical characteristics, life cycle, and interactions with people. Includes photographs and a glossary.

Wolf spiders

Explains what wolf spiders look like, where they live, how they hunt, and how they reproduce, and provides color photos and a glossary.


Presents an introduction to tarantulas, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on their physical characteristics, their habitat, and life cycle.

Garden spiders

Presents an introduction to garden spiders, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on their physical characteristics, their habitat, and life cycle.

Fishing spiders

Presents an introduction to fishing spiders, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behavior.

Jumping spiders

Presents an introduction to jumping spiders, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behvior.

Black widow spiders

Presents an introduction to the black widow and other spiders, discussing how they trap their prey, where they live, their physical characteristics, life cycle, and interactions with people. Includes photographs and a glossary.
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